OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT

CLERK:           Good morning. May I help you?

MRS. OLSON: Yes. My husband and I have just moved here from Florida. We’re just              
                       down the street, and you seem to be the closest bank. I’d like to open an

CLERK:        Well ,we’re not only the closest bank, but we’re also the most modern and  
                      Convenient bank in the whole metropolitan area .let me take you to our new
                      Account manager, Ms Green(He leads her to a desk near the window) you sit
                      Here as soon as Ms. Green is off the phone, she’ll be glad to help you.

MS. GREEN:  Good Morning, I’m Edna Green. What may I do for you today?

MRS. OLSON: I’m here to open an account for my husband and my self. My name is
                          Gretchen Olson.

MS. GREEN:  Do you want a joint Account. Mrs. Olson?

MRS.OLSON: Yes, we’re always had a joint account. tell me about your checking
                         Account policy. is there a minimum balance required?

MS.GREEN:  Yes and no. there is no minimum deposit required, but if you open your
                        Account with five hundred dollars or more and keep at least that much
                        In it at all times, then there is no service charge, Also, we now pay interest
                        On your checking account, so there’s no need to keep a separate saving

MRS. OLSON: I’m not sure I understand about the five-hundred dollar part. Could you
                         Explain that to me again, please.

MS. GREEN:  Of course . account are charged a monthly service charge of five dollars if
                        the minimum balance in them falls below five hundred dollars at any time
                        during the statement period. You may keep as little as three dollars in your
                        account, but if you do, then we charge you five dollars at the end of the
                        month since it went below the five-hundred-dollar minimum.

MRS. OLSON: I see. Now, since we’ll be writing checks throughout the month. Our
                         Balance  will you know what amount to use to figure our interest? I’d also
                        To know how much interest pay.

MS. GREEN:  The rate varies. Right now, it’s six percent. It has gone as low as four and
                        A half percent and as high as seven percent. Our computer adds all the
                        Daily figures and then divides by the number of days in your statement
                        Period. That’s called your average daily balance. we use the average daily
                        Balance to figure the interest you’ve earned and credit it automatically to
                        Your account. The interest is printed on your monthly statement so you’ll
                        Know to add it into your checkbook yourself. All bank charges and credits
                        are recorded on your monthly statement.

MRS. OLSON: If you mean that five-dollar service charge, I can tell you that I’m going
                        To try to avoid that charge. we should be able to keep more than five
                        Hundred dollars in our account all the time.

MS. GREEN: Yes , that’s one type of bank charge, but there are others . the checks you’ll
                        Be ordering to day are an example. We’ll decide what kind of check you
                        Want and then charge your account for them. it will appear on your first
                        Month’s  statement , Of course, if a check of yours should be returned for
                        Insufficient funds, there would be a charge for that too

MRS. OLSON: Do you mean bouncing a check? Unfortunately, I once had that experi-
                          Ence. For a time both my husband and I were careless about recording
                         The checks we had written. We overdrew our account twice and our
                         Checks bounced, Needless to say, we were embarrassed. We’re much
                         More careful these days.

MS. GREEN:    You’d be surprised at how many people forget to record the checks they
                         Write. As you said, it’s often a matter of carelessness; no one would
                         Bounce a check on purpose, speaking of checks, why don’t we look at the
                         Various styles available.

MRS. OLSON: ( She chooses  her checks and completes several forms.) I’d like to open
                         This account with a deposit of one thousand dollars. Will it be all right if i
                         Write a check on our old account?

MS. GREEN:   Certainly, as long as the account in your former bank is still active. By the
                         Way, since you are opening your account with one thousand dollars, you
                         May choose one of the gift which are displayed on that table over there.
                         the bank is having a promotion to attract new’s our way of 
                         welcoming you and thanking you for your business.

MRS. OLSON: Thank you. I like that travel alarm clock. Thank you for all your help. I’ll
                         ask my husband to come by here this afternoon so that he can sign the
                         forms too. That way we’ll both be able to start writing checks on our new
                         account. How long will it take for the printed checks which I just ordered
                         to arrive.

MS. GREEN:  About ten days. Here, I want you take one of our pamphlets which
                        describes all our services.

MRS. OLSON: Thank you very much.

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