Mailing a Package at the office

Mailing a Package at the office

CUSTOMER : I'd like to mail this package to Brazil.How much will it be,please?

CLERK : Do you want to send it first class or parcel post?

CUSTOMER : How much is first class and how long does it take?

CLERK :It's a light package(He weights the package.)First class would cost
$3.96.Since it's going to a large city. I would guess that it will take about four
or five days to arrive.

CUSTOMER :And parcel post?

CLERK :Sending it parcel post would be cheaper. but it wouldn't arrive for about

three weeks.The rate for parcel post is $2.05.

CUSTOMER :Oh, I want to arrive earlier than that. i'll send it first

class,Also,I'd like to ensure it for $25.00.

CLERK :(He fills out a form.) What's in the package?.I need to know in order to
complete this form.

CUSTOMER :A pair of small glass earrings. They're a gift for my sisiter who's
living in Rio. I packed them well, so I'm sure they won't break.but I want to
insure them just in case.

CLERK :Do you want the package registered too? That way you would know that your
sister received them.She would have to sign for the package,and then we would send
you receipt showing that your gift had been delivered.

CUSTOMER :No, I'm sure she'll let me know as soon as they arrive.Are there any
other forms I need to fill out becouse it's going to a foreign country?

CLERK :Yes,one more,It's a customs declaration on which you declare what item or
items are in the package and their value.

CUSTOMER :I understand that your rates have gone up on all postal items.Is that

CLERK :Yes.unfortunately,it is .The rates newer seem to go down,do they?Here is a
copy of all our new rates.It lists the old rate next to the new,so you can see how
much it has gone up.Notice,however,that the rate for sending a postcard has
remained the same.

CUSTOMER :I think I read something about the size of postcards and envelopes.
Would you explain that to me please?

CLERK :We used to accept postcards and envelops of all sizes,but now that we are
using automatic sorting and postmarking machines,we have to limit the size,you can
still send a letter in a large envelope,but it can't be any smaller than three and
a half inches by five inches .incidentally, you forgot to put a return address on
this package. It's not a post office regulation, but we stongly recommend that all
cards,letters,and packages have a legible return address.

CUSTOMER :I'll do it right now. I don't remember any zip code. can yo tell by
looking at this address what it is?

CLERK :(He types the address into a small deck-top computer terminal.) Here it is,
your zip code is 22031 you should make a not of it.

CUSTOMER :I will, before I leave, I want to buy some first-class stamps.Do you
sell them in little packets?

CLERK :Yes,This one has twenty first-class stamps.Let's see The package,the
insurance,and the stamps your total bill is $9.12.

CUSTOMER :One more question.I expect to be out of town next week.can you hold my
mail for me here? I could come by to pick it up when I get back.

CLERK :Yes, we do that.You'd have to fill out one of these forms. You might also
consider asking a neighbor to pick up your mail for you.It would be easier on you
and on the letter carrier who sorts all the mail on your route.

CUSTOMER :Thanks.I'll think it over and let you know.

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