Shopping at the super marker

CLARA: Hi. Mr Plank will you help me for a minute plaese?

MR. are you today? I haven't seen your mother or father in a
while,Are they sick?

CLARA: a matter of fact,they aren't feeling well.that's why I'm here to do
some grocery shopping.They're not up to it.and we're almost out of food.

MR. PLANK:Well, i'll do anything i can to help ,what do you need?

CLARA: I think i know my way around the store, but I'm not tall enough to reach some
of things on high shelves,Also, i'm not very good at deciding which frUits and
vegetables are ripe and which ones aren't I guess that's all,except for getting
home.Do you think I could borrow one of the shopping carts when I'm finished?
I'd bring it right back after I pushed the groceries home.

MR. PLANK: We'll find a way to get you home so you don't have to cross streets pushing that basket,
clara.Don't worry about that.Now,Why don't you do all the shopping you can do alone.
when you want me to reach for a high items.I'll help the fresh produce for last.
when the time comes,we'll ask Mr. Sanchez to help you.He's the produce Manager.
even though i'm the Mananger of the whole store, the induvidual deparment managers know more about their
areas than I do.

CLARA: I'm a Little nervous about choosing meat too.

MR. PLANK :If you need any help at the meat counter ,Just ring the bell for the butcher. Mrs Athens
is back ther,and she'll be glad to help you.

CLARA: Thank you,Mr.Plank,my mother said she was sure you'd be kind and help me. I've never done this alone before.
(she consults her list and starts pushing her cart up and down the aisles. she finds most of what is on the list with no difficulty)

MR. PLANK: Well,how are you doing,clara? Are you ready for my long reach yet?

CLARA: Actually,I'm doing pretty well,I've found almost everything,and it's been within reach. Would you help me
decide about coffee? My list says "a found of coffee," but it doesn't say what
kind,All I know is that it has to work in an automatic coffee maker.

MR. PLANK: This Brand is on sale this week,but you'll notice that this other can is cheaper even
though it's not on sale. It's called a genertic brand;that is, there is no fancy label.
and they never advertise,so they can keep the price down,some people prefer a
brand they know.but others say these new genetic brands are equally good.why not try
it this one time?.

CLARA: Okay,Mr Plank,I will.

MR. PLANK: I notice you have two quarts of skim milk,It's more expensive to buy milk that way,you Know.

CLARA:No. I didn't.

MR. PLANK: If you buy your half gallon in a half-gallon plastic bottle,you'll save twenty to
thirty cents.

CLARA: Gosh,Thanks. I guss I have a lot to learn about grocery shopping.What do you think
of this package of hot dogs that i picked?

MR. PLANK: You Did very well there,Clara That's Best buy in the prepared meates cooler,The price per pound
is lower than any other brand,and they taste good,will you want any hot dogs buns to go along with the wieners?
i know that's not on your list,but perphaps your mother forgot.

CLARA: It was my father who made the list,Maybe he did forget.Where are they?I'll get them,and if we don't need them now, then i'll freeze them.

MR. PLANK: Good thinking! I'll tell you that you look around and see if there's anything else that you think your family needs,even if it's not on the list,put it in your basket and pay for it at the checkout counter.Then when you get home,if your parents say they wish you hadn't bought something,just bring it back.I'll give you a full refund.After all,your here doing the shopping,so you should be allowed to make some independent decisions about what you need.And don't forget to ask Mr. Sanchez for help when you get to the other side of the store.

CLARA: Thanks for all your help,Mr Plank.

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